Finding the best mattress can be an intense issue. There are tons available on the market, yet it can be tricky to narrow down which ones are high quality. Companies like Nectar, Casper, Zinus, and Purple have all been delivering some of the best mattresses available in recent years. Their direct-consumer pricing model and constant discount offers make buying a new mattress an amazing experience.
Sleep Quality
People underestimate the power of sleep. There are few daily activities that have a larger impact on health than sleep. Our bodies undergo complex processes of repair and detoxification while we rest, and even slight disturbances can cause interruption. Finding the best mattress possible can help provide you with the physical comfort needed to help overcome other obstacles such as light, sound, and restlessness. Be honest; do you look forward to getting in bed at night? Having the most comfortable mattress can help your sleep do wonders for your health.
Health & Safety Concerns
There has been a surge in consumer safety concern recently. Products across all markets have seen a demand for greener and healthier options. Mattresses are no different, and agencies like CertiPUR offer certification programs for manufacturers. The best mattress companies are learning that being open and transparent about the materials and processes are meeting this new demand. Nectar mattresses for example, undergo high quality control measures to ensure no harmful chemicals are used, and that consumer safety concerns are met. This is important, considering that we spent nearly 30% of our lives on our mattress!
Easy Shipping
Most people are concerned about the buying process when it comes to getting a new mattress. Even the best mattress on the market can be intimidating if you have to go pick it up, or hire someone to deliver it. New mattress brands have rethought the process of mattress delivery. They make these new mattresses from the ground up with a concern for shipping. New mattresses are made almost exclusively from types of foams and gels that are able to be vacuum-packed and rolled up. This allows mattress brands to fit an entire mattress into a box roughly 24″ x 24″ x the width of your mattress. These boxes are easily manageable, and ship FREE via carriers like FedEx. Just remember, the next time you’re tossing and turning at night, you could help avoid a large part of your frustration by simply getting a more comfortable mattress.
Some of the best mattresses are available for almost 75% less than what retail stores offer them for. Buying directly from companies like Casper or Nectar forge a direct relationship between you and the manufacturer. No more middle man, no more markup, no more BS. These mattresses typically come with 1-year trial periods where you can return your mattress for a full refund, no questions asked. After that, many have 10 year warranties, and some even have lifetime warranties. Finding the best mattress in the world isn’t a matter of having some mysterious insider knowledge anymore, it’s simply a matter of having the internet.
